projects, tech stuff, musings

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Welcome to my website. This site provides details of my pet projects:

All of these projects were implemented over the last ten years. The procedural animation system and bvhacker are open source and are hosted on GitHub.

virtual worlds

I started my first virtual world animation project back in 2007 with bvhacker, a bvh file editor. I then founded Animazoo animations, a virtual worlds animation retail outlet in Second Life in partnership with Animazoo Ltd, UK (now called AIQ-Synertial UK).

By 2014, exciting developments in both hardware (Oculus Rift 2, Leap MotionEmotiv Insight, general computing power) and software (High Fidelity Inc, SF, USA, the maturation of open source projects like Blender and GIMP) had made a lot of previously impossible ideas possible. I bought an Oculus Rift DK2 and undertook an animation project for High Fidelity Inc. to produce a procedural animation system that stored and replayed looped animation data as a series of harmonics (Fourier Series).

I am now opening a motion capture studio in Thailand where I will produce animation assets for sale in High Fidelity’s virtual world marketplace whilst researching ways to deploy AI driven character animation control systems.


In a life previous, I was a software developer, specialising primarily in C++ (video processing, network management tools) but also with smattering of Java (device porting for J2ME games).
I have bachelors degree in electrical and electronic engineering (audio systems specialisation) from Brunel University and a masters degree in computer science (multimedia applications and virtual environments, distinction grade) from The University of Sussex.

~ davedub january 2019

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